Latest Update & Face the Future Clinic Re-Opening

To all of our patients and customers,
As many of you will know, our online shop has been operating as normal, following Government guidelines, to allow you all to purchase your skincare products throughout lockdown. We've also been providing personalised skincare recommendations via our online skin test.
Clinic Manager, Kimberley, in PPE.
Amidst the global pandemic, our clinic temporarily closed its doors on Monday 23rd March 2020 and we have very much missed our wonderful patients during this time. We are now aiming to re-open our clinic from Monday 27th July however, this may change based on government advice.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of both our patients and clinicians once our clinic doors re-open, we will be asking patients to help by following and co-operating with a number of safety measures for the first phase of re-opening.
We've put together this video to give you an idea of what to expect when you attend your next appointment at Face the Future.
We appreciate your patience as we adapt to our “new normal but we are very much looking forward to welcoming you all back into clinic as soon as possible.
With love, Julia, Kate and all of the Face the Future team