New Supplements For A Healthier You

New Supplements For A Healthier You

If you're a regular reader of this blog or customer of ours, you'll know that we are big fans of supplements to boost the effects of your topical skin regime and a healthy diet. Recently, we have been researching to find the very best in food supplements and have come across some really exciting new brands. From skin to hair to weight loss, read on to discover the latest way to achieve a healthier you.

30 Days Waistline

If you're looking to lose some of that excess weight around the middle that has built up recently, 30 Days is a patented supplement that reduces the accumulation of abdominal fat. You'll see a significant reduction in waistline circumference in just 30 days, as well as a boost in energy levels and a strengthened immune system.


Perfect for use on its own or alongside 30 Days, Oxytarm is (to put it politely) a colon cleanser. Did you know that even with a normal, healthy diet, it can take around 65-100 hours for food to pass through the intestine? If you have a more unhealthy diet, a lot of the fat and additives digested deposit in the intestine, leading to constipation, gas, abdominal pain, lack of energy, weight gain and skin problems. By cleansing these nasty deposits from the body, you'll see multiple health benefits, including weight loss and clearer skin.


If your hair is feeling a little lackluster, then HAIRGAIN is ideal for you. It contains a blend of minerals, vitamins and active ingredients that work synergistically with the proteins of your hair to naturally create healthy, beautiful hair. Hair loss in prevented and hair grows much stronger, for visibly thicker locks.


It's not all about the hair; you can gain improvements in your skin too! A sachet that is simply mixed with water, SKINGAIN uses a patented mixture of type I and type II collagen to restore collagen levels that naturally begin to deplete from as young as 25. With regular use, skin will be smoother, firmer and plumper in around 4-6 weeks. Not bad for one quick drink per day!

Coffee Slender

You've seen all the detox teas available on the market, but what if you're more of a coffee drinker? Well you can now join in with Coffee Slender. Using a natural extract from green coffee beans in a highly concentrated form, it helps to body to store less fat and burn the existing reserves.

For any more information on food supplements, call our skincare experts on 0113 282 7744.

Written for you by: Ellie, Face the Future

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